Please see the Nature-based Solutions Conference programme below.
Please note that there might be slight changes.
DAY 1: Welcomes & Opening Plenaries
Welcomes and Opening Plenaries
9:00 | Introduction
9:40 | Keynote
9:10 | Welcome Speeches
9:55 | Coffee / Tea break
10:10 | Pitch Event 1
10:20 | Global NbS Perspectives: Sharing Successes & Tackling Challenges
11:25 | Pitch Event 2
11:35 | Keynote
11:40 | From Policy to Practice: Aligning Government Strategies With NbS Goals
12:40 | Lunch
13:40 | Pitch Event 3
13:50 | Keynote
13:55 | Investing in Nature: Putting Capital Where it Matters
15:00 | Coffee / Tea break
15:15 | Pitch Event 4
15:25 | Leveraging Africa's Natural Capital For Development Through the Bioeconomy
16:35 | Pitch Event 5
16:45 | Closing Remarks
19:00 | Welcome Reception
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 1
Charles Karangwa (IUCN)
Catalysing Effective NbS Design and Implementation at Scale With the IUCN Global Standard For NbS, Demonstrated by Examples of its Successful Application
The objective of the session is to raise awareness of the role that the IUCN Global Standard can play in the design, implementation and evaluation of effective NbS, as well as to demonstrate, through practical examples, how applying the NbS Standard can make users’ NbS intervention credible and impactful.
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 2
Starry Sprenkle-Hypolite (Conservation International)
Valentine Ebua (Conservation International)
Hitting the Road with the Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions: Agriculture and Africa
Describe Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) in farming and grazing that can contribute carbon removals, align Exponential Roadmap with African context.
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 3
Djibril Dayamba (African Forest Forum)
Robin Chazdon (ANR Alliance Global Co-leader)
Regional and Global Approaches to Scaling Up Assisted Natural Regeneration
The session aims to share with attendees and discuss how a range of approaches are used to scale up ANR globally and in selected regions. Approaches include on-farm tree regeneration and management, forest ecosystem restoration, development of agroecosystems and silvopastoral systems, community-based ANR activities in drylands and forest ecosystems, technical support and knowledge products, and implementation of ANR within large-scale landscape restoration initiatives. Session participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences or perspectives on best practices / approaches for scaling up ANR. We also present an overview of the ANR Alliance Mission, Vision, and Strategy to further engage participants.
10:45 - 12:15 | Ballroom 1
Jonathan Muriuki (GEA)
AFR100 and Landscape Restoration in East and Southern Africa
10:45 - 12:15 | Ballroom 2
Peter Minang (CIFOR-ICRAF)
The ‘Forgotten Five’ in Restoration Scaling
This session addresses five of the forgotten attributes which constrain effective restoration drives and their anticipated benefits.
10:45 - 12:45 | Ballroom 3
Dorothy Maseke (FSD Africa)
Exploring Biodiversity Credits in Empowering Community-Led Land Restoration: Insights Drawn from Carbon Credit Experiences
The session will highlight the following key questions:
Given the use of carbon credits in restoration activities, how could biocredits play a role in financing the same activities? Are there other financial mechanisms that biocredits could activate?
What market governance mechanisms are needed to ensure the meaningful participation of IPLCs and nature’s stewards in biocredits programmes?
Are there specific criteria or standards that should be established to ensure the legitimacy and effectiveness of biocredit programs in community-driven initiatives and who should set these?
How can technology and data analytics be leveraged to both scale up and enhance the monitoring and evaluation of biocredit-based land restoration projects at the community level?
What policies are needed to facilitate biocredit use in financing land restoration programmes?
11:00 - 12:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Prof. Tougiani Amadou Abasse (INRAN – Niger)
Les Communautés Reverdissent le Sahel: un Exemple de regénération Naturelle Assistee a Grande Echelle / Communities Regreen the Sahel: An Example of FMNR Scaling-up
Presentation of the “Communities Regreen the Sahel” program: a bottom-up approach to scaling up FMNR since 2017 coordinated by a consortium of partners from Niger, Burkina Faso, Senegal and the Netherlands.
11:00 - 12:00 | Meeting Room
Folake Salawu (Green Recovery Nigeria)
Clean Cooking and Reforestation: The Perfect Synergy
Community-based organizations from five African countries are scaling up digitized reforestation. Harvesting of fuel wood is the main driver of deforestation. This event shares a net-positive solution.
12:15 - 13:00 | Ballroom 1
Mamadou Diakhité (AUDA - NEPAD and AFR100)
AFR100: Road to 2030
The objective of this is to showcase FLR efforts in the Road to 2030.
Provide a status of FLR implementation across AFR100 Countries
Promote Resource and Partnership Mobilization to provide financial and technical support for project implementation not only at AUDA-NEPAD programmatic level but also relevant activities at continental, sub-regional and national levels.
Identify capacity needs that need to be prioritized for a successful Road to 2030
Foster knowledge exchange among AFR100 partners
12:15 - 13:00 | Ballroom 2
Olaf Westermann (Catholic Relief Services)
Restorative Agriculture as NBS in Watersheds
Increase understanding of watershed restoration's crucial role in climate resilience, focusing on its impacts on agriculture, food and water security, and conservation.
Emphasize the significance of restorative agriculture in watershed management as a nature-based solution.
Provide principles and guidelines for effective watershed restoration to facilitate practical application
12:00 - 13:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Chris Zganjar (The Nature Conservancy)
Naturebase: A Science Platform Designed to Accelerate Nature-based Solutions for Climate in Policy, Finance, and Implementation
12:00 - 13:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Nonsi Nkomo (Solidaridad)
Road to Resilience: Stories of Transformation Through Nature-based Solutions
Our side event aims to demonstrate the transformative power of nature-based solutions across Southern Africa to unlock economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and social equity for smallholder farming communities.
12:00 - 13:00 | Meeting Room
Philip Ireland (Carbon Neutral)
Lessons Learned From Australia’s Largest Biodiverse Reforestation Carbon Sink
Delve into the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor project, an exemplar of large-scale nature-based carbon initiatives, demonstrating effective land restoration and biodiversity conservation for worldwide application.
14:00 - 15:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Israel Bionyi (FSC)
Richard Fergusson (FSC)
Markets and Policy Innovations: Sustainable Forest Management in Africa
14:00 - 15:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Diogo Ladvocat (Maki Planet Systems)
Call to Action: Ecosystem Restoration via Resilient Wildfire Management
We catalyze carbon finance flows to scale regenerative landscape projects via wildfire management. We will showcase our work to identify potential partners for immediate implementation in Southern Africa.
14:00 - 15:00 | Meeting Room
Xavier Hatchondo (Terraformation)
Using Accelerators to Scale Reforestation and Carbon Financing
Participants will comprehend native forests' role in climate change
Attendees will learn carbon market dynamics for reforestation project funding
Accelerator's introduction reveals its role in scaling reforestation projects.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 1
John Dixon (GEA)
Lalisa Duguma (GEA)
Massive Scaling: Systems, Strategy and Scaling of Land Restoration for Sustainable Livelihoods
Introduce the participants to leading principles of systems, strategies and massive scaling for land and ecosystem restoration, with reflections on the scale of the challenge, systems leadership, 12 scaling principles from the GEA Field Guide and correspondence with the scaling lessons from selected cases, and the key role of rural women as systems integrators. Session 3 serves as the basic introduction for the Scaling Training in the following session.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 2
Phearak Svay (GEA)
ReSAF: Implementing Large Scale Land Restoration for Livelihoods, Biodiversity and A Cooler Planet
To showcase GEA’s Africa flagship program, Restore Africa, including the challenges, barriers, and opportunities.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 3
Dorothy Maseke (FSD Africa)
Sechaba Selialia (FSD Africa)
Exploring the Intersection: Nature, Finance, and Regulations and Policies in Africa
Highlight the role of policies, regulations and frameworks as catalysts for investment in nature.
Understanding the Interconnectedness and the linkages between Financial Decisions and Biodiversity as supported by policy and regulation.
Highlight the policy landscape in Africa including the successes and challenges in National Nature Strategies and evaluating their impact.
Highlight how the TNFD framework helps in integrating nature decisions.
Determine actionable insights and areas of collaboration.
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 2
Mieke Bourne (CIFOR-ICRAF)
Patrick Worms (CIFOR-ICRAF)
Lessons for Scaling-Up Land Restoration from Regreening Africa
Outline a successful large-scale restoration program in Africa and discuss what made it a success
Share lessons from Regreening Africa with other programs/organisations
Discuss how the lessons could be explored in other initiatives
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 3
Joseph Njue (IUCN)
Hannah Weggerle (GIZ)
Financing mechanisms for NbS: Community-Centric Restoration Financing – A case for Rwanda
To explore and share the best practises and experiences in the financing and investment options for NBS.
15:45 - 16:45 | Meeting Room
Nadia de Waal (JustDiggit Foundation)
Digitally Regreening African landscapes
What’s the correlation between a shovel and AI? Regreening! Immerse yourself in our programmes where we combine low-tech solutions with high-tech innovations to scale up regreening.
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 1
Kris Hendrickx
Amos Wekesa (GEA)
NbS, Carbon Sequestration and Credits Generation
O1: Increase the understanding of the audience of the role different Impact Standard and credits play in NbS and
O2: Demonstrate to the audience how this applies to the GEA program Restore Africa
O3: highlight to the audience how GIS and associated technologies play an ever-increasing role in NbS
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 2
Lalisa Duguma (GEA)
Overcoming Financing Hurdles in Implementing Nature-based Solutions, with a Focus on Land Restoration
Explore challenges associated with financing nature-based solutions, particularly in the context of land restoration projects.
Identify innovative financing mechanisms and strategies to overcome hurdles in implementing nature-based solutions.
Share best practices or case studies showcasing successful financing models or efforts for land restoration initiatives.
Foster dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders to accelerate investment in accelerating land restoration.
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 3
Tony Rinaudo (World Vision Australia)
Irene Ojuok (Right Livelihood College Bonn and GEA)
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration: Reaching the Billion
​- To socialize World Vision’s ambitious restoration goal and showcase WV Zambia’s scaling approach
- To attract partners and participants to join in to accomplish the 1-billion-hectare goal.
10:45 - 12:15 | Ballroom 1
Alan Channer (GEA)
Irene Ojuok (Right Livelihood College Bonn and GEA)
Faith-based and Inclusive Approaches to Scaling Land Restoration
To explore the role of faith communities and institutions in the scaling of land restoration, so as to consolidate socially appropriate, inclusive, and therefore durable approaches to land restoration in rural Africa.
10:45 - 12:15 | Ballroom 2
Malik Dassoo
Fanuel Massawe (Africa Climate Foundation)
Managing Risks in Accelerating Finance for Nature-based Solutions
The session will highlight the following key questions:
What are the potential risks associated with nature-based solutions (NbS) financing.
What are the best strategies to mitigate risks and enhance investor confidence in NbS projects that offer public benefits e.g. biodiversity and ecosystem conservation?
What are the best practices for integrating risk management into NbS financing programs and who should set these? Provide examples that have worked in LDCs.
The carbon credits mechanism has more recently come under pressure from civil society as a form of greenwashing, what are the current risks in using carbon credits for NbS financing especially in LDCs?
What are the available de-risking tools against the regulatory uncertainties in the carbon credit markets?
10:45 - 12:15 | Ballroom 3
Dennis Garrity (GEA)
Restoring a Safe Climate by Accelerating Carbon Removals: The Global Pledge
· Build broader awareness of the critical importance of carbon dioxide removals to restore a safe climate.
· Elucidate the critical role of nature-based solutions in supporting the global effort to cool global temperatures to avoid catastrophic climate change.
· Discuss the current status of international endorsements for the carbon removals pledge, by countries and by nonstate actors.
· Explore the action needed during the coming year to launch the pledge and to implement it effectively.
11:00 - 12:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Kayne Harwood (Save the Children Global Ventures)
NbS4Children Launch: How Can Development INGOs Help Accelerate NbS?
Join us as we launch NbS4Children with an engaging panel discussion on how development INGOs can help overcome barriers to accelerating NbS and ensure Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities are included as equal participants in NbS projects. Through NbS4Children we are building a pipeline of NbS projects that leverage carbon markets to scale and contribute to achieving a future where every child grows up healthy, safe, educated and climate resilient. Our panel will feature local children's voices through participation of a Zambian youth climate activist.
11:00 - 12:00 | Lower Boat Deck
John Taab Kandila (Zero Two Heroes Limited)
Nature Based Solutions To Promote Regenerative Agriculture
11:00 - 12:00 | Meeting Room
Cheryl Margoluis (CARE-WWF Alliance)
Strengthening the Power of Women’s Leadership in Nature-Based Solutions
Join local and regional leaders to discuss the opportunities, challenges, and successes of financing and scaling women-led nature-based enterprises.
12:15 - 13:00 | Ballroom 1
Dale Lewis (COMACO)
From Household Needs to Ecosystem Protection and the Role of Carbon Markets
Highlight COMACO model as an ecosystem solution for Zambia
Describe the business approach COMACO uses
Explain Financing opportunities and growth potential
12:15 - 13:00 | Ballroom 2
Titus Nampala (S&P Global)
Financing and Investments Options for NbS
Join us for an engaging discussion with S&P Global Sustainability and Mining specialists, Titus Nampala, Dr. Kieran Dobson, and Dr. Warrick Fuchsloch, as we shine a light on the sustainability landscape in Southern Africa, assess the interplay of physical and nature-related risks and opportunities, discuss performance and disclosures, and much more.
During this session we will elaborate on the S&P Global nature solutions, our open-source nature risk and impact methodology developed in collaboration with the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, and how our engagements with stakeholders globally have resonated differently across regions. We will share our experience on what we have seen stakeholders across the globe are doing, recent published research on the financing and investment in the space as well as what S&P Global is doing to support climate finance in low-to-middle countries.
12:00 - 13:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Joyce Nyame (Youth Bridge Foundation)
Connect: Linking and Scaling-up African Technology-Enabled Community NBS
Community-based organizations from five African countries digitizing their FLR projects are here to share their data, their stories, and plans to scale-up innovative approaches to sustainable implementation of NBS.
12:00 - 13:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Janis Hanf (GIZ)
NbS in Zambia: Transforming Local Success Into Scale With You!
Join us for insights and lessons from local leaders and communities on implementing Nature-based Solutions and hear about our Watershed Investment Programme approach. Share your expertise and help scale our impact.
12:00 - 13:00 | Meeting Room
Matthias De Beenhouwer (African Parks)
Protected Areas as Anchors and Sources for Effective Landscape Restoration
Legacy restoration efforts have often been planned and implemented in isolation of conservation efforts and vice-versa, representing a missed opportunity to leverage the impact that effective protected area management can have on building the foundations for effective restoration efforts. The main aim of the event is to better map, visualize and capitalize on these "missed opportunities" to scale the impact and long-term sustainability of landscape restoration.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 1
Tony Rinaudo (World Vision Australia)
Irene Ojuok (Right Livelihood College Bonn)
FMNR Training Workshop
Participants will have a deeper understanding of:
Brief history -
what FMNR is and why,
how to identify, select, prune & manage regenerating trees;
Who and where is FMNR applicable
Gender & FMNR
Scaling FMNR
Overcoming obstacles.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 2
Tangu Tumeo (IUCN)
Hannah Weggerle (GIZ)
Strengthening Local Governance to upscale FLR: The role of Traditional Leaders (Chiefs) for Successful Community-Led Restoration
The session's overarching goal is to inspire participants to replicate this forum model in their own regions, fostering stronger collaboration with traditional leaders. By placing traditional authorities in the driver's seat of restoration projects, we anticipate transformative change and a significant potential for upscaling sustainable initiatives. Join us in exploring how empowering traditional leaders can catalyze positive environmental outcomes and contribute to the broader goal of global ecosystem restoration.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 3
Phoebe Barnard (The Stable Planet Alliance)
Developing a Big Tent on Global Land Restoration: How the Campaign and the UN Decade,, and Other Major Restoration Initiatives Can Be Mutually Supportive
Develop a set of prioritized, concrete, agreeable and viable mechanisms for collaborative acceleration via different means, as needed to take our existing restoration work to scale, at speed.
14:00 - 15:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Jeanette Greyvensteyn (African Parks)
Verifiable Nature Unit – Establishing a Currency for Nature
Showcase an approach for an outcomes-based nature financing mechanism, followed by a workshop to explore further requirements and success factors for scaling beyond protected areas with other on-the-ground organisations.
14:00 - 15:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Luke Viljoen (One Acre Fund Zambia)
Connecting Smallholder Farmers to Carbon Markets In Zambia - How to Scale Agroforestry, and the Policies Needed to Support Access to Carbon Finance
One Acre Fund Zambia, a non profit social enterprise working with smallholders farmers, is implementing an intensive agroforestry model that connects smallholder farmers to carbon markets via Rabobanks Acorn platform. The session will feature a presentation of the model and a dialogue with partners, such as The Nature Conservancy and Acorn, about the necessary enabling environment to make carbon markets work for smallholder farmers in Zambia (and beyond) .
14:00 - 15:00 | Meeting Room
Antti Saarnio (AirImpact Pte Ltd)
De-Risking Forest Finance and Securing Permanence for Restoration and Conservation
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 1
Emma Drew (GEA)
Community engagement: is Free Prior Informed Consent the answer?
Communities residing in areas undergoing land restoration activities should actively participate in the project's design, implementation, and the distribution of benefits resulting from these initiatives. Various organizations have employed different strategies to engage communities in such activities over time. Recently, Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) has emerged as one of the most comprehensive approaches, featuring a well-structured deployment model. This session aims to spotlight some elements of the community engagement processes adopted by implementing organizations to enhance community in the project. This will rely on a case study illustrating indigenous community engagement in Kenya. Following this, we will explore elements of the FPIC guidelines, and reflections from the panelists concluding the session.
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 2
Patrick Worms (CIFOR-ICRAF)
The role of international and regional trade rules in NbS programming
Trade policy since the Second World War has typically been about lowering international trade barriers. But for the past decade, we see increasing calls for trade policy to take social and environmental issues into accounts. A growing set of agreements and treaties are seeking to husband capitalism's wild spirits to do, with the European Union's Deforestation-free regulation just the latest example.
The session will explore how trade policy encourages or hinders the development of a global market for regenerative practices, including carbon, and sketch a vision of how it should evolve to move us from degenerative to regenerative trade.
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 3
Alice Muller (World Vision Australia)
Mieke Bourne (CIFOR-ICRAF)
Mclarence Mandaza (World Vision Australia)
Global and National Land Restoration Movement Building
· Sharing lessons on building local, national and global restoration movements
· Showcasing how a national restoration movement in Kenya was built as a basis for developing such movements in other countries
15:45 - 16:45 | Meeting Room
Carl Lens (JustDiggit Foundation)
Digitally Regreening African Landscapes
What’s the correlation between a shovel and AI? Regreening! Immerse yourself in our programmes where we combine low-tech solutions with high-tech innovations to scale up regreening.
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 1
Lalisa Duguma (GEA)
John Masinde (SNV)
NbS and Intergenerational Sustainable Land Management: What Way Forward?
This 90-minute session on Intergenerational Sustainable Land Management (ISLM) aims to comprehensively explore challenges, practices, and policy considerations regarding the long-term sustainability of land use, with a focus on diverse global perspectives. Experts from Africa and Asia, will delve into the significance of ISLM, addressing region-specific obstacles, showcasing successful practices, and discussing the significance of formal and informal knowledge transfer, youth engagement, and technological innovations. The session will also highlight gaps in existing policies and practices and propose considerations for future frameworks, offering insights tailored to the unique contexts. The session will have interactive activities that will enrich the conversation, allowing for an in-depth exploration of community engagement, economic prospects of ISLM, global collaboration, and critical indicators for monitoring progress. This session seeks to provide a holistic understanding of sustainable land management practices over generations, drawing on experiences from Africa and Asia, and offering valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers alike.
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 2
Maaike Slotema
Steph Smith (GEA)
Partnerships for Scaling NbS
9:00 - 10:30 | Ballroom 3
Dennis Garrity (GEA)
The Great Food System Disruption: Implications for Global Land Restoration
Broaden awareness of the projections of a great food disruption and its implications for accelerating the scaling-up of nature-based solutions for land restoration.
· Explore the implications for animal agriculture in the developed and developing countries.
· Elucidate the possible scale of land-use change due to the disruption in relation to the goals and targets of the Evergreening the Earth Campaign.
10:45 - 12:15 | Ballroom 1
Harrison Kojwang (FSC)
Nature-based Solutions in Sustainable Forest Management Through Certification Tools
This session will explore sustainable forest management solutions such as the forest management (FM) and chain of custody (CoC) certification standards, and the Rainforest Alliance Certification in Sustainable Agriculture. Their practical application in conservation and restoration will be highlighted.
Additionally, the session will showcase FSC’s ecosystem services procedure and its utilization. This is a tool to verify the ‘impacts’ of well managed forests on safeguarding and enhancement of ecosystem services.
10:45 - 12:15 | Ballroom 2
Severin Kalonga (WWF)
Lalisa Duguma (GEA)
NbS and the Relevant Policy Contexts
10:45 - 13:00 | Ballroom 3
Elizabeth Moore (Catholic Relief Services - CRS)
Closing the Widening Gap: Advancing Training, Education, and Capacity Building for Land Restoration Globally
11:00 - 12:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Andrea Romero Montoya (FAO)
Advancing the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: Best Practices and Monitoring
11:00 - 12:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Leigh Winowiecki (CIFOR-ICRAF and Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH)
Scaling Farmer-centered Solutions From the Soil Up across Africa
The event will highlight on-the-ground advancements in the accurate monitoring of soil health, opportunities to scale soil health across Africa, as well as realistic and equitable financing opportunities.
11:00 - 12:00 | Meeting Room
James Whitehead (International Tree Foundation)
Beyond Offsets - Alternative Approaches to Support Community-led Restoration
12:00 - 13:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Sally Armitage (GEA)
Nature-based Solutions and the Media
12:00 - 13:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Antti Saarnio (AirImpact Pte Ltd)
Scaling Nature-based Projects Digitally: AirImpact Demo Event
12:00 - 13:00 | Meeting Room
Hannah Weggerle (GIZ)
Joseph Njue (IUCN)
Informing Restoration Through Best Practices – From Knowledge to Action
12:15 - 13:00 | Ballroom 1
Lalisa Duguma (GEA)
Open Data for Restoration planning Training: Part II
12:15 - 13:00 | Ballroom 2
Sally Armitage (GEA)
The Role of Communication in Accelerating NbS
12:15 - 13:00 | Ballroom 3
Elizabeth Moore (Catholic Relief Services - CRS)
Closing the Widening Gap session continues.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 1
Lalisa Duguma (GEA)
Harko Koster (SNV)
NbS and Entrepreneurship opportunities
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 2
Nick Sharpe (The Savory Institute)
Restoring the Health and Productivity of Grazing Lands Globally
Present global and local scaling options of NbS for grasslands and grazed environments.
14:00 - 15:30 | Ballroom 3
Douglas Sheil (Wageningen University)
Rob de Laet
Jon Schull (EcoRestoration Alliance)
Bring Back the Rains: How Land Restoration Promotes Wetting and Cooling of the Earth via the Biotic Pump
14:00 - 15:00 | Upper Boat Deck
Tom Skirrow (Tree Aid)
Triple-Win NBS: Empowering Communities for Equitable Investment Through Participatory Governance
14:00 - 15:00 | Lower Boat Deck
Arnoud Braun
Frank van Schoubroeck (FarmTree)
A Digital Platform to Plan and Review Agroforestry Performance
14:00 - 15:00 | Meeting Room
Olaf Westermann (Catholic Relief Services)
Scaling Nature-based Solutions: From Scaling Innovations to Systems Thinking
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 1
Kirsty Shaw (BGCI)
NbS, Biodiversity Conservation and the Global Biodiversity Standard [BGCI]
BGCI will present long-term solutions and best practices for tree planting, forest protection, restoration and agroforestry systems, focusing on the importance of native and threatened trees, to protect, restore and enhance biodiversity, replacing the “any tree at minimal cost” approach to climate change solutions. We will show examples of how to combine the considerations of biodiversity, local communities and carbon capture, involving smallholder farmers and indigenous communities, and improving livelihoods through capacity building and sustainable utilization of plant resources, rather than short-term gains through unsustainable exploitation. We will also present species level approaches for biodiversity conservation, and the potential of NbS to be viable as compensation for biodiversity impact (Biodiversity Impact Credits).
The session will also focus on biodiversity measurement and monitoring techniques, presenting the Global Biodiversity Standard (GBS), the world’s only international certification that recognises and promotes the protection, restoration and enhancement of biodiversity. We will present how this tool aims to drive improved outcomes for biodiversity, ecosystems and the communities that rely on them in support of the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework and how BGCI, through its network, can support implementing partners in adopting the standard to deliver quality restoration projects and biodiversity benefits, reversing the trend of poorly-designed tree planting schemes that are accelerating the decline of biodiversity.
Finally, the session will also highlight the risks of not considering biodiversity in NbS projects.
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 2
Phoebe Barnard (The Stable Planet Alliance)
A New Economy and Civilization: Integrating the Protection and Restoration of Lands, Climate, Biodiversity and Communities
Create a balanced and workable multi-scale framework for Earth and climate repair by integrating technical and social goals and indicators for restoration of terrestrial ecosystems, biodiversity, and climate in the field.
15:45 - 17:15 | Ballroom 3
Alan Channer (GEA)
The Roots of Climate Resilience in Africa’s Drylands: Catalysing Synergies Between Land Restoration, Community Building and Peace
To explore the ways in which community-based land restoration can foster social cohesion and peace, and how synergies can potentially be enhanced such that climate resilience is strengthened and scaled up in fragile, dryland contexts.
15:45 - 16:45 | Meeting Room
Carl Lens (JustDiggit Foundation)
Digitally Regreening African landscapes
What’s the correlation between a shovel and AI? Regreening! Immerse yourself in our programmes where we combine low-tech solutions with high-tech innovations to scale up regreening.
DAY 5: Closing Plenaries
Closing Plenaries